Thank you for booking an Adult Group Cycle Training session.

To register, each participant must fill the form below.

Please be aware that we won’t be able to provide bikes for this training. Attendees will need to bring their own bike.

Adult Group Cycle Training booking form

Please fill in the form and consent form

Please tick one of the boxes below indicating whether you will wear a cycle helmet on the cycle training course(Required)
Photography & Film(Required)
Bikeworks CIC request the right to use photograph(s) or film taken of the participant during any Family Cycling activity (including Special Olympics training and competitions) run by them and any reproductions or adaptations of the photograph(s) or film for all general purposes in relation to Bikeworks’ work including the right to use them in any publicity materials, web content, books, newspapers and magazine articles whenever Bikeworks chooses to do so in line with their fundraising and publicity purposes.
Marketing Updates:(Required)
Sometimes Bikeworks likes to get in touch with previous riders to let them know about additional cycling news and opportunities. Do you consent to receiving email contact from us? Please tick one of the options.
Cycle Training Terms and Conditions

By signing up for a cycling activity with Bikeworks CIC, you or Carer/ Guardian (now referred to as ‘the Participant’), is entering into an agreement between Bikeworks and the Participant which relates to all cycling activities run by Bikeworks CIC on or after the date of sign up.

By doing so, you understand that:
• The Participant accepts that the instructors may, at any time, refuse to continue
with an activity or session if their behaviour or ability level is deemed to be unsuitable.
• The instructors may refuse to train The Participant if they deem their cycle to not be roadworthy
• It remains The Participants’ responsibility that they ride a roadworthy cycle. If they are
in doubt, advice should be sought from a professional cycle mechanic.
• It is the decision of The Participant whether to wear a cycle helmet and this must be safe and suitable for use.
• If The Participant chooses not to wear a cycle helmet on a training course, The Participant understands that
Bikeworks will not be held liable for the result of any injury,
which may have been prevented by the wearing of a helmet.
• The Participant understands that Bikeworks CIC is not responsible
for any injury or any loss or damage to any property which is not caused by an instructor’s negligence
Bikeworks CIC takes no responsibility whatsoever for any injury or damage to any
property which occurs either on the way to or from the lesson or subsequent to lessons.
• The Participant understands that having taken training it does not necessarily follow
that it is safe for them to ride a bicycle. To become a proficient cyclist takes much more
practice than lessons of this kind can provide.
• The Participant understands the personal details held by Bikeworks CIC may be passed
on to the funding providers of this training and that they may contact them to ask for
details of the lesson.

Cycle training will be delivered in line with current health and safety guidance, including Public Health guidance.


Bikeability recommended maximum number per session:

One Cycle Instructor can train up to three beginners on an off-road session.

One Cycle Instructor can train up to six improver cyclists on an off-road session.

Two Cycle instructors can train up to ten improver cyclists for an on-road session

Bikeability rider outcome

For more information on Cycle Training click here