Call For Papers
Bikeworks Inclusive Active Travel Conference 2020
Bikeworks is pleased to announce its INCLUSIVE ACTIVE TRAVEL CONFERENCE will take place on 10th and 11th September 2020 at the LeeValley Velopark in The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
Active travel is beneficial for everyone, and especially beneficial for people with cognitive and physical disabilities, and for marginalised groups. Bikeworks and other inclusive cycling organisations have demonstrated for years that all people, when given the chance to cycle (or walk), take up these opportunities.

People benefit hugely from doing so showing improved health and wellbeing, as well as better mobility.
Conference Aims
- To explore and share best practice of how to better engage disabled people or marginalised groups, including people with long-term health issues, into cycling for leisure, travel, or where appropriate, sport.
- To learn from the existing data and knowledge already available, while identifying where the gaps in research are for inclusive active travel.
- To increase understanding of technological advancements, innovation, and the infrastructural support required for inclusive active travel.
If you wish to facilitate an interactive workshop on a topic about inclusive cycling, please let us know by filling in the form below.
Event Details
Lee Valley VeloPark, Abercrombie Road, London E20 3AB, UK
Start: 10th September, 2020 at 9:00 am
End: 11th September, 2020 at 6:00 pm