Level 2 Instructor Training Programme and CPD Calendar
Dates of upcoming courses

- April course: Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th April 2025
- June course: Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th June 2025
Both courses will take place at our Inclusive Cycling Hub in East London: Bikeworks, 10 Abercrombie Road, London E20 1FU
Applications’ deadline: TBC
Location and Times
08.45am – 17:00pm
Bikeworks East Training Centre, Lee Valley VeloPark, London, E20 3AB or
Bikeworks West Training Centre, Maxilla Walk, W10 6NQ
Continued Professional Development (CPD) Courses
Bikeworks can deliver the following list of CPD Courses as open courses (Dates TBC), or courses for closed groups:
- Moving Riders
- Instructing to the revised National Standard and Bikeability Delivery Guide (For current instructors)
- Cycle mechanics for Cycling instructors
- Teaching complete beginners
- Delivering Bikeability Plus (For Scheme managers)
- Teaching riders using E-cycles
- Delivering inclusive cycle training
- Teaching riders with Special Educational Needs
- Ride leader training
- Bikeability refresher courses (Teaching and Risk Management)
- Teaching using cycling games