Story/testimonial tips

<Images and videos can really bring case studies to life>

Telling the story

The story is most effective when told from the point of the view of the beneficiary. A direct narrative from someone whose life has changed will be compelling and inspiring. Your impact will be clear, real and engaging. The story should have three key parts:

  1. The case study’s initial situation and challenges
  2. What happened to change things
  3. Where they are now as a result. This might include new hopes for the future

Grab the reader

You need to get the reader’s attention in the first sentence/paragraph; background info can come in later if necessary. Make your readers want to read on to find out what happened / the full story, using, for example:

  • emotion
  • intrigue
  • shock
  • surprise

Keep it real / unique

Small, real-life details make a big difference in ensuring your case study stands out as an individual and remains in the memory. They bring life and interest to the story and help affirm how genuine it is. Don’t get so bogged down in detail that you forget the story, though! Even just a touch of detail can turn a dull sentence into a vibrant image.

Edit quotes

You don’t need to quote people to the word. As long as you keep their general words and, most importantly, retain the meaning of what they’re saying, be prepared to tidy up the language. This will help the story read better and have more impact.


Make the most of your inspiring case studies to push visitors to your site towards your most important goals, tying them in with the story. For example:


  • Ettie and Jean

    Find out why Ettie and Jean come along to All Ability cycling at the Olympic Park